- Need Professional IT Expert?
At Swiblo, we are committed to providing top-quality IT solutions tailored to your business needs. Whether you need expert IT consulting, cybersecurity, cloud solutions, or software development, our team is here to assist you.
We’ll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss how we can assist in optimizing your business with cutting-edge technology solutions.
SIREN: 979 356 706
SIRET (head office): 979 356 706 00015
Legal status : SASU, single-member simplified joint-stock company
VAT number: FR76979356706
RCS registration: REGISTERED(at the PARIS registry, 09/20/2023)
Registration with the RNE: REGISTERED
RCS number: 979 356 706 RCS Paris
Share capital: 40,000.00 €
Main activity declared: Information systems consulting. IT project management.
NAF or APE code: 62.02A(Computer systems and software consulting)
Field of activity: Programming, consulting and other IT activities
Exercise form: Commercial
Collective agreementsupposed: Technical design offices and consulting firms – IDCC 1486
Accounting year end date: 12/31/2025